Advancing the Value of Ethnography

On Being Well in a Time of Hell


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2021 EPIC Proceedings pp 340–341, ISSN 1559-8918,

PechaKucha Presentation—For the past year, people around the world have adjusted quickly to unforeseen constraints presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Upheaval during the pandemic has resulted in a deep sense of grief leaving people in an unpredictable cycle of losing control and attempting to regain it. But, guess what? Researchers also have been experiencing the highs and lows of the pandemic and haven’t been immune to the fulcrum of loss and unexpected buoyancy. In sensing the importance of the moment, a group of researchers came together to learn how people around the world were adjusting and coping, and to anticipate how adaptations in contexts, habits, and tools may lead to enduring changes in everyday life.

On Being Well in a Time of Hell is a bricolage from Brazil, Indonesia, and the United States told through diary entries, photos, and drawings that bounce from despair to moments of unexpected connection, creativity, and sometimes, believe it or not, joy. Through gathering as a community of researchers, reflecting on the rich stories of our participants, and owning our process of loss and resilience, our insights about what the future may hold illustrate how we make meaning from experiences and how innovative tools enable those experiences.

Chloe Evans is a user researcher at Spotify. She has a background in Visual Anthropology and specialises in visual methods such as video and photography in data collection and publication.

Mira Shah is a senior user researcher at Spotify who focuses on personalization. She is a speech pathologist turned qualitative researcher and specializes in inclusive design and accessibility.

Camie Steinhoff is a Senior User Research at Spotify, focusing on Premium experiences. She has a background in Human Factors and Usability testing, and applying lean startup methodology within corporations.
