Tutorial: Ethnographic Video—Storytelling for Impact
Overview We’ve all seen the power of a well-crafted ethnographic video to capture the attention, and imagination of the room, whether that room is a design studio,...

Leveraging Speculative Design to Re-Imagine Product Roadmaps
Businesses often have strategic visions for the future of a product space; however, identifying and building toward preferable futures is a daunting task, especially...

EPIC2019 Ethnographic Film
The film session at EPIC explores the ways ethnographic practitioners have used moving images to interpret data, share insights, and tell the stories of their work....

Ethnographic ‘Weirdness’: Attending to Indicators of the Unfamiliar
This presentation begins with ethnographic research of an Indonesian tuna fishery in which a field partner describes unfamiliar cultural behavior as ‘weird’....

Using Video to Think Ethnographically: Core Approaches to Research, Production, Deliverables, and Mindset
Overview Ethnographers have long used video for research and storytelling in their practices. Today a powerful array of evolving visual technologies offers unprecedented...

Tutorial: Ethnographic Thinking for Wicked Problems – Framing Systemic Challenges and Catalyzing Change
Overview In this interactive tutorial, participants explored ways in which ethnographers can have an expanded role in addressing social issues and other wicked problems....