超越用户需求 —以内容理解为导向构建推荐系统
作者:, Stripe Partners; , Spotify; , Spotify Originally published in English: “Beyond User Needs: A Meaning-Oriented Approach to Recommender Systems”...

Anthro-Vision: A New Way to See in Business and Life
Anthro-Vision: A New Way to See in Business and Life Gillian Tett 2021, 304 pp, Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster → Watch Simon Roberts in conversation...

Ethnography for Sensemaking in Times of Trauma
Dealing in Desire: Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline, and the Hidden Currencies of Global Sex Work Kimberly Kay Hoang 2015, 248pp, University of California Press...

Move Fast, Break Shit, Burn Out: The Catalyst’s Guide to Working Well
Move Fast, Break Shit, Burn Out: The Catalyst’s Guide to Working Well Tracey Lovejoy and Shannon Lucas 2020, 305 pp, Lioncrest As I write this, we’re just a...

The Power of Not Thinking
The Power of Not Thinking: How Our Bodies Learn and Why We Should Trust Them Simon Roberts 2020, 336 pp, Blink Publishing/Bonnier In The Power of Not Thinking: How...

EPIC2020 Video and Proceedings Now Available on Demand!
EPIC2020 was a truly a global ethnographic jamboree: on the 15th anniversary of our conference, EPIC people gathered across 37 countries and 6 continents. Our conference...

Announcing New EPIC Board Members
This month, our first global, virtual conference will mark the 15th anniversary of EPIC. We are thriving with a growing membership and a range of new programs for...

Introducing EPIC China!
In a year when EPIC has become more international than ever, we are thrilled to introduce EPIC China. EPIC China was launched by a talented group of EPIC people...

New EPIC Board President
EPIC welcomes Simon Roberts as our new Board President! Simon is Co-founder and Partner at Stripe Partners, a strategy and innovation consultancy based in London....

EPIC in Uncertain Times
Hello EPIC friends, As ethnographers we are tenacious, resilient, curious, improvisational, thoughtful, and reflective. It is ironic that the thing we do best—being...

Agency & Tech Colonialism: Extending the Conversation
“What can those of us who work in, and maybe even love, computing cultures do about computing’s colonial expansions?” Sareeta Amrute’s keynote address “Tech...

Making Productivity Social Again: Melissa Gregg’s Counterproductive—Time Management in the Knowledge Economy
Most of us struggle with managing our time while feeling perpetually swamped with work. White-collar professionals, myself included, have often turned like supplicants...