Seeing It from Other Eyes: How First-Person Data Reshapes the Role of the Applied Ethnographer
This paper argues that first-person data—video, audio, and other data that is recorded from the research participants’ point of view through wearable technology—affords...

Friction into Traction: A Case Study of Friction in Strategic Ethnography
This case study highlights the transformative power of strategic ethnography in shaping frameworks that gain traction within organizations. We analyze three productive...

Ethnography for the AI Age: How to Get Started
Artificial intelligence (AI) has made huge strides recently in areas like natural language processing and computer-generated images – every other week seems to...

Hands Are People Too: Reflections on the Value of Hands (and How to Study Them)
PechaKucha Presentation—Did you know that hands have bodies, relationships, and minds of their own? In the coming years as a new wave of technologies focused on...

Hybrid Methodology: Combining Ethnography, Cognitive Science, and Machine Learning to Inform the Development of Context-Aware Personal Computing and Assistive Technology
The not-too-distant future may bring more ubiquitous personal computing technologies seamlessly integrated into people’s lives, with the potential to augment...

Screenplay, Novel, and Poem: The Value of Borrowing From Three Literary Genres to Frame Our Thinking as We Gather, Analyze, and Elevate Data in Applied Ethnographic Work
Applied ethnography still struggles with the fundamental challenges of (1) framing research to obtain ‘thick’ data, (2) making sense of data in teams and with...

Applying Theory to Applied Ethnography
In applied ethnographic praxis, how should we use theory? Exploring how existing theory from a variety of domains has supported and advanced our work, this paper...

Fieldnotes as a Social Practice: Elevating and Innovating Fieldnotes in Applied Ethnography, Using a Collaborative Online Tool as a Case Study
In this paper I propose that applied ethnographers should think critically and innovatively about the practice of producing fieldnotes in ethnographic research....

Voices, not data points: building connections between clients and informants to create impact
Camila sat down on her faded pink sofa, unwrapped the bandage around her calf, and showed me a violet wound, some of the skin crusty and some of it wet. Her daughter...