Future Frictions: Social Complexity in the ‘Blue Skies’ of Innovation
Innovation is often conceptualized as taking place in ‘open space’, as though the work starts from a tabula rasa in a terra nullius. Design and innovation p...
Cities as Anticipatory Systems: Analyzing “Weak Signals” to Explore Beyond the Predictability of Their Future
In the last decade, Future Studies have developed a very important corpus of theory and methods aimed to analyze the future of cities. Meanwhile the world is co...
Tutorial: Sketchnoting, A Practical Toolkit to Improve Your “Scribing” Skills
Overview “Sketchnoting” is the ability to make fast and useful visual notes. It has become a recognized contemporary visual practice in different discipline...
Map Making: Mobilizing Local Knowledge and Fostering Collaboration
Participatory mapping—the production of maps in a collective way—is a common activity used for planning and decision making in urban studies. It started as ...
Myths and Facts about the Sharing Economy Promise in Emergent Countries
A question about how taxicabs look alike in different countries started a visual dialogue between two friends living in India and Mexico. Through their conversa...
Trapped in Traffic: A Story about Finding Connection on the Go
Nora Morales is an information design professor and researcher at Autonomous Metropolitan University in Mexico City. Her research interests include visual narra...