Impact Tracking: Tradition to Innovation
What can researchers learn about impact-tracking from other established professions? For some fields, impact tracking is integrated into their processes, such as...

Strategic Foresight Methods for Innovation
It’s difficult for researchers in industry to focus their stakeholders on the future, given the relentless urgency of near-term planning. This tutorial equips...

Assessing Quality in Qualitative Research
Qualitative Literacy: A Guide to Evaluating Ethnographic and Interview Research by Mario Luis Small and Jessica McCrory Calarco August 2022, 230 pp, University of...

Little Dramas Everywhere: Using Ethnography to Anticipate the Future
In this article, the chairs of EPIC2021 reflect on the idea of Anticipation, and what ethnography reveals to us that may not be readily apparent through other means....

Mixed Methods
Approx 77 minutes Overview What are mixed methods, really? Sometimes the term refers to a set of rich and powerful research traditions; sometimes it’s just...

Tutorial: Ethnographic Research Design
Ethnography is closely associated with the core qualitative methods of interviewing and observation. But ethnographers in business often work with a broad range...

Ethnography for Equity: Using the Ethnographic Lens to Improve Outcomes for Everyone
Why did Donald Trump get elected? Because of the rage of the “working class”? Why did Brexit happen? Because “working class” Britons were angry at getting...

Ethnographers, Bearers of Bad News
Ask any applied ethnographer what is the hardest thing about their work. Go ahead, just ask one. More than likely, she will exhale slowly, slump back in her chair,...

Bodywork and Productivity in Workplace Ethnography
Office workers still rely on their bodies to communicate with each other, despite many decades of technology use. This Pecha Kucha explores how and in what ways...

Ethnographic Temporality: Using Time-Based Data in Product Renewal
Corporate ethnography is often targeted at renewing the life of a product. Getting customers to start using a product again – or start using it in the first place...