This case study on mobility in health care demonstrates how ethnography and design research helped Intel meet the business challenge of redressing market share. Ethnography enabled the team to assess the interplay between mobile devices and other hospital technologies, understand how they fit...
Genre: Genre
Ethnographers as Intermediaries: Plurality as a Double-Edged Sword in Web3
This paper addresses a misalignment between market motivations and community needs in Web3, arguing that...
Collaborative Generation: Making Sense of Today’s Stories to Catalyze a Thriving Tomorrow for All
This article shares an innovative, community-centered method for research, sensemaking, and innovation in social...
Foundations of Practice: An Ethnographic Exploration of Software Documentation and its Cultural Implications for an Agile Startup
This case study offers an in-depth analysis of the foundational role of documentation for software quality,...
Building Trust in AI Requires a Human at the Helm
As generative AI technology begins to touch more aspects of our work and lives, people increasingly wonder: “Can...
A Critical Moment for Global Change: Ethnographers Acting on Climate and Sustainability
Ethnography has grown, like many other industries, in tandem with a fossil fuel economy. As evidence of weather, resource and species disruption surround us on a daily basis, the climate sessions provided guideposts and practical resources to adjust and thrive as informed, climate-conscious...
Toward an Ethnography of Friction and Ease in Complex Systems
This paper offers frameworks and tools to support complexity- and systems-oriented approaches in design...
The Ethnographer in the Machine: Everyday Experiences with AI-enabled Data Analysis
This paper proposes a model of researcher-AI interaction and argues that ethnographers can smartly leverage AI in...
Friction into Traction: A Case Study of Friction in Strategic Ethnography
This case study highlights the transformative power of strategic ethnography in shaping frameworks that gain...
Local Frictions in the Energy Transition: Design Anthropology for the Emergence of Energy Communities
Critical challenges in energy transitions are social and cultural - not just technical and economic. This paper...