Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Paper

Come to Your Senses: Ethnography of the Everyday Futuring

Come to Your Senses: Ethnography of the Everyday Futuring

Our practices of research, design, and strategy create landscapes of possibility. Anticipation, an approach that has informed much of the recent ethnographic work on the future, is shaped by how these symbolic and material landscapes, and the forms of agency they make possible, are distributed....

Sustainability: Addressing Global Issues At A Human Scale

Sustainability: Addressing Global Issues At A Human Scale

Our tiny provocation is that the word “sustainability” is not sustainable. Just using it is sabotaging our efforts to build a better future for the planet. Despite decades of global sustainability discourse, the world is still going to hell. What's gone wrong? Our paper is about willful ignorance...

Ethnographic Agency in a Data Driven World

Ethnographic Agency in a Data Driven World

This paper argues that ethnographers can gain increased agency in data-driven corporate environments by increasing their quantitative literacy: their ability to create, understand, and strategically use quantitative data to shape organizations. Drawing on the author's experience conducting...