Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Paper

Move Me: On Stories, Rituals, and Building Brand Communities

Move Me: On Stories, Rituals, and Building Brand Communities

  This paper takes on the challenge of understanding behaviour change through the lens of anthropology. In the field of market research, the goal is to find the leverage points of emotional connection that will inspire a desired behaviour. But traditional approaches to research have relied on...

The Calculus of Small Change: An Ethnography of Unlearning

The Calculus of Small Change: An Ethnography of Unlearning

Technological innovation obsolesces not only earlier technologies, but also the knowledge, skills, and expertise of the users of those technologies. Individual obsolescence is generally written off as the cost of participation in a vibrant capitalist economy, a small price to pay and part of the...

Beyond Walking With Video: Co-creating Representation

Beyond Walking With Video: Co-creating Representation

[contrib_author post_id='572' name='JONATHAN BEAN'] [s2If is_user_logged_in()]Download PDF[/s2If]  This paper discusses a method I used to conduct a study of hygge, a Danish concept that is usually translated as “cosiness.” I wanted to learn more about hygge and how it related to technology...

The Translucence of Twitter

The Translucence of Twitter

  Erickson and Kellogg’s construction of social translucence suggests that collaboration tools can be designed more effectively by balancing elements of visibility and awareness among members of the user community to instill a norm of accountability. This paper questions whether the...