Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Paper

The Luminosity of the Local

The Luminosity of the Local

This paper seeks to capture the local in Locavore—both its concrete and symbolic character. Locavore is a kind of nascent identity that emerges from constellations of social relationships, self-defining “food communities”, made up of consumers and farmers and chefs, and food writers and...

A Little Humility, Please

A Little Humility, Please

“Things, not, mind you, individual things, but the whole system of things, with their internal order, make us the people we are.” Danny Miller, Stuff (p. 53) The fall of Icarus—wax melting, loosed feathers eddying as he plunges from the sky into the Aegean— is a central image in western mythology....

What European Businesses Expect from Us

What European Businesses Expect from Us

This paper presents considerations of strategies for communicating the value of ‘business anthropology’ and ‘insights’ to sceptical business audiences, based on a number of studies with a total of 47 interviews with executives in 27 large companies in mainly Europe, but also the US. The paper will...

Getting Noticed, Showing-Off, Being Overheard

Getting Noticed, Showing-Off, Being Overheard

This paper reports early findings of an ethnographically-inspired research project focused on individuals who are actively engaged in the creation and online distribution of original media – on blogs, vlogs, and social networking sites – and on the collectives that form around “user-generated...

Experience Models: Where Ethnography and Design Meet

Experience Models: Where Ethnography and Design Meet

This paper contributes to the ongoing debate about the role of ethnography in design. Whilst I believe that the contribution of ethnography to design has yet to be fully explored and articulated, I also hold the view that ethnography has a more effective role to play in “informing design” that...

Reflective Probes, Primitive Probes and Playful Triggers

Reflective Probes, Primitive Probes and Playful Triggers

In this paper I present and discuss Reflective Probes, Primitive Probes, and Playful Triggers – derivates of Cultural Probes that build off such work promoting multiple places for and uses of creative, inspirational and provocative artifacts in research and development endeavors. In the first...

Let’s Have A Conversation

Let’s Have A Conversation

As an introductory set of remarks for the theory session, this short paper sets up some issues facing both the field of ethnography applied in industry and those who undertake theoretical work in the field. The author proposes some simple dimensions for discussion: how we might consider work in...