Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Perspective

Let’s Get Off the Pop-Neuroscience Bandwagon

Let’s Get Off the Pop-Neuroscience Bandwagon

Interest in the unconscious and the instinctual has been on the ascent for several years now in many research realms that EPIC members inhabit. In consumer research particularly, where I’ve been a practicing anthropologist for years, the findings of neuroscience, cognitive science and the brand of...

Radical Design and Radical Sustainability

Radical Design and Radical Sustainability

Sustainability & Ethnography in Business Series, Mike Youngblood, Editor “Revolution is not about destroying capitalism, but about refusing to create it.” —John Holloway1 Serious designers must be radicals. If we are truly enraged by the political, ecological, and economic challenges we face,...

Place Making and Sustainability

Place Making and Sustainability

Sustainability & Ethnography in Business Series, Mike Youngblood, Editor Place making offers us a largely untraveled pathway to thinking about sustainability. These two relatively high order concepts—'place making' and 'sustainability'—are conventionally located in separate domains of...

Navigating Relativism and Globalism in Sustainability

Navigating Relativism and Globalism in Sustainability

Sustainability & Ethnography in Business Series, Mike Youngblood, Editor Sustainability initiatives—social, economic or environmental—can have universal value for stakeholders. But how sustainability is defined, and what successful solutions might look like, can vary dramatically among...

5 Things Great EPIC PechaKuchas Have in Common

5 Things Great EPIC PechaKuchas Have in Common

If you have never been to an EPIC conference and you are considering submitting PechaKucha proposal this year, welcome! This article is for you. EPIC people love PechaKucha. What the heck is it and why should you take on the challenge for EPIC2017? Powered by PechaKucha is a wonderful format for a...

The Automation of Qualitative Methods

The Automation of Qualitative Methods

Introduction Anthropology and its methodologies cannot easily be automated. However, both design and engineering based organizations are attempting it. I argue that this is based in part on historic legacy systems, a misunderstanding of the ethnographic toolkit, and an over-reliance on the...

Empathy as Faux Ethics

Empathy as Faux Ethics

“The term ‘empathy’ has provided a guiding thread for a whole range of fundamentally mistaken theories concerning man’s [sic] relationship to other human beings and to other beings in general.” —Martin Heidegger Popular design discourse is full of articles, books, and conference presentations on...