Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Perspective

Using Business Anthropology for Strategic Cost Reduction

Using Business Anthropology for Strategic Cost Reduction

In recent years, business anthropologists have come to play a role as top-level advisors to large corporations. In particular, anthropologists have helped corporations shift their gaze from an inside-out perspective to an outside-in perspective on their companies (Madsbjerg and Rasmussen, 2014a)....

Bring Back the Bodies

Bring Back the Bodies

I want to start with a question. Please be honest in your response. Have you ever had the feeling that the ethnographic interview you just conducted is more interview than ethnography? If your answer was a ‘yes, maybe or sometimes’, isn’t it time to explore why this is the case? A key trope of...

Bridging the Gap between Ethnographic Practice and Business

Bridging the Gap between Ethnographic Practice and Business

At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, I was enjoying a salad with a technology executive, in your typical CES “let’s grab a quick lunch in between two meetings that are only one hotel but somehow one hour apart from each other”. The executive was describing all the research that...

The Future of Anthropology: EPIC/AAA Partnership

The Future of Anthropology: EPIC/AAA Partnership

“I have just seen the future of anthropology,” I said to anyone and everyone who asked me about the first EPIC (Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference), held in 2005 at Microsoft’s Seattle area campus. I had had a privileged vantage point, having offered to coordinate the production of the...

What Things to Teach Designers in Post-Industrial Times?

What Things to Teach Designers in Post-Industrial Times?

Academics frequently argue for things that people do not yet acknowledge as existing. Compared to most other professions, where arguments are often between two or more things ‘on the table,’ academics profess things that they believe need to be ‘brought to the table.’ We say to students, ‘this...

Rethinking Financial Literacy with Design Anthropology

Rethinking Financial Literacy with Design Anthropology

Marietta is 61 years old. She takes care of her adult son (unemployed) and her daughter-in-law (disabled), both of whom live with her in a simple 3-bedroom house on the wrong side of the freeway. Her rent is sky-high, because in Silicon Valley rents are crazy on both sides of the freeway. Marietta...

Breaking It Down: Integrating Agile Methods and Ethnographic Praxis

Breaking It Down: Integrating Agile Methods and Ethnographic Praxis

Critical thinkers that we are, researchers are skeptical of buzzwords, one-size-fits all methodologies, and facile business trends. We scowl as ‘ethnography’ is invoked just because someone actually talked with a customer. We say things like, “If you want to be Agile, try yoga.” Even so, we remain...