Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Perspective

Donna Flynn / A Profile

Donna Flynn / A Profile

Walking a Different Path The path of American anthropology is becoming ever more diverse. Under the academic umbrella of Anthropology the world has been explored, analyzed, reflected on, and then determined to be wanting of more exploration. The Indiana Jones stereotype of the archaeologist or...

Luis Arnal / A Profile

Luis Arnal / A Profile

"Innovation Lives at the Borders" Luis could talk forever about his passion for INSITUM. He doesn’t like to showcase himself as the company’s front man, but in fact, he leads one of the most important innovation consultancies in the world, with over 120 consultants, 7 offices and more than 1400...

The Para-Ethnographic Trajectories Of Professional Ethnography

The Para-Ethnographic Trajectories Of Professional Ethnography

Professional anthropologists frequently occupy unique roles, simultaneously inside and outside the organizations we work for or work with. Most of us are already adept at negotiating these roles, but don’t necessarily highlight this skill as something of great value, either to professional...

Ethnography and the Distributed-Centered Subject

Ethnography and the Distributed-Centered Subject

On the 8th of January 2013, the day of Hawking’s birthday, I published an article in Wired Magazine about Stephen Hawking. The article was immediately picked up and praised by the Dish, Andrew Sullivan’s famous blog, among whose fans ranks President Obama. The praise, however, didn’t last long....

Christian Madsbjerg / A Profile

Christian Madsbjerg / A Profile

How to Succeed in Business (Using Ethnography) Christian Madsbjerg gives the sense he is on a quest. He talks about the world with interest, respects intellectual firepower to resolve problems and doesn’t believe in the ‘dumbing down’ of anthropology or ethnographic practice. He is determined to...

Data, Data, Everywhere, but Who Gets to Interpret It?

Data, Data, Everywhere, but Who Gets to Interpret It?

There has been a good deal of discussion of the relationship between the EPIC community and new practices of big data. Will the data scientists have the final word on what people value? Are we ethnographers effectively getting disrupted by cheaper and worse data? In a wider sense, what kind of a...