Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Perspective

Satin Island: An Appreciation

Satin Island: An Appreciation

I will admit that as soon as I heard there was a newly published novel about a corporate anthropologist, I took the bait and grabbed a copy (metaphorically, of course, given that I in fact downloaded an e-book). How would my world and my work be represented in fiction? What truths or myths might...

Ethnography for Smart Service Systems in Product Design

Ethnography for Smart Service Systems in Product Design

In today’s rapidly changing, highly competitive world, product design requires swift translation of human needs and desires into technical specifications for the development of devices and services that meet those needs (Salvador et al. 2013). This calls for a complex integration of qualitative...

Sensemaking Methodology: A Liberation Theory of Communicative Agency

Sensemaking Methodology: A Liberation Theory of Communicative Agency

[this is one of two posts on sensemaking; see also the companion piece Sensemaking in Organizations by Laura McNamara] I’ve seen a lot of methodology fashion come and go. Before completing a doctorate that really anchored my work in ethnography, I was trained as a cognitive psychologist, designing...

Ethnographers, Bearers of Bad News

Ethnographers, Bearers of Bad News

Ask any applied ethnographer what is the hardest thing about their work. Go ahead, just ask one. More than likely, she will exhale slowly, slump back in her chair, fix you with a steely stare and say, “I spend so little time on actual research.” Her gaze may drift away at this moment. She might...

Yes, Virginia, We “Do Ethnography” in Business Schools

Yes, Virginia, We “Do Ethnography” in Business Schools

One of the most common questions I get at EPIC is, “You do ethnography in business schools?" So ken anderson invited me to write a response to this recurring question. I’ll break the response into three topic areas: (1) the use of ethnography and its status vis-à-vis research on management; (2)...

Building a Useful Research Tool: An Origin Story of AEIOU

Building a Useful Research Tool: An Origin Story of AEIOU

It is awfully nice not to have to invent a basic tool over and over again. For ethnographers, coding and categorization is work that has to happen whether you are studying housework or neurosurgery, with novices or experts, in an exotic location or in suburban Ohio (no offense to my friends and...