Overview Understanding how people use and engage with their physical surroundings adds depth and dimension to your ethnographic analysis, enabling you to design better products and services. This tutorial...
Genre: Tutorial
Thinking and Communicating with Visual Frameworks
This tutorial is a crash-course in one of the most powerful research and storytelling tools—the visual framework....
Tutorial: Using Ethnofutures to Build Resilience
Pre-session Homework This video was created to watch prior to the main tutorial video. You can also review the additional resources below to go deeper! https://youtu.be/wfmoJ4VmMVk Download Article: Future Readiness Playbook...
Tutorial: Ethnographic Thinking for Wicked Problems – Framing Systemic Challenges and Catalyzing Change
Overview In this interactive tutorial, participants explored ways in which ethnographers can have an expanded role in addressing social issues and other wicked problems. In particular, it explored how...
Inclusive Research Techniques: Learning with Disabled Users to Create Accessible Designs
User research with disabled participants has many benefits for research, design, and business. In short,...
From Users to User Ecosystems: Applying Systems Thinking to Ethnography
User research typically focuses on intentional moments of contact between individuals and a product or...
Tutorial: Creating a Responsible AI Practice
Learn models and principles to ensure organizations are creating, using, and deploying AI that coworkers, customers, and society can trust. Overview Our lives are directed, enriched, influenced, and sometimes...
Tutorial: An Ethnographer’s Guide to 360 Video
Gain a critical and technical understanding of the benefits, affordances and production workflows of 360 video as an ethnographic and research medium Overview A goal of ethnographic fieldwork is to be able to...
Tutorial: Integrating Sustainability Perspectives in Ethnographic Work
Overview This tutorial...
Tutorial: Participatory Visual Research—Getting the Most from Collaborative Methods
Overview Participatory visual research methods like Photovoice open up opportunities for collaborative sense-making and advocacy. In these methodologies, data and knowledge are produced not only as an end...