Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Perspective

Ethnographies of Future Infrastructures

Ethnographies of Future Infrastructures

Article 4 in the series Data, Design and Civics: Ethnographic Perspectives On April 1, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced a $317 million federally funded initiative in textile innovation and manufacturing—a national consortium of public and private organizations to be led by MIT. It’s...

Innovation Teams, Mundane Innovation, and the Public Good

Innovation Teams, Mundane Innovation, and the Public Good

Article 2 in the series Data, Design and Civics: Ethnographic Perspectives The windows were dirty when I arrived on the fifteenth floor of City Hall. I had been hired as the Los Angeles’ Innovation Team’s in-house social communication researcher. My official title was “Design and Data Research...

Why the World Needs Anthropologists

Why the World Needs Anthropologists

‘The bad news is that anthropology is never going to solve the global crisis,’ professor Thomas Hylland Eriksen provoked, ‘but the good news is that without us, nobody is going to because our knowledge is a crucial piece of the jigsaw puzzle.’ The EASA Applied Anthropology Network’s symposium ‘Why...

Why I Joined EPIC: A GPS for the Organizational Rapids

Why I Joined EPIC: A GPS for the Organizational Rapids

[22 May 2017: We are deeply saddened to learn that Mike has passed away. If you don't know his work, we invite you to dive into Mike's website and learn about his tremendous research, writing, and impact. —ed.] I finally seriously joined EPIC. By "seriously" I mean "sent them money." It was high...

Sustainability Initiatives Succeed with Good Storytelling

Sustainability Initiatives Succeed with Good Storytelling

At the recent climate talks in Paris, 195 countries adopted a universal climate deal for the first time ever, key parts of which are legally binding. This is a stunning success and highlights how urgently the world’s nations, backed by their citizens and businesses, are seeking new ways to thrive...

Simon Roberts / A Profile

Simon Roberts / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series Simon Roberts, a founder of Stripe Partners, is an expert at using the power of ethnography to drive strategy and innovation by continuously unveiling the 'black magic' of people's worlds. He has crafted a pioneering career, compelled by intense curiosity and key moments of...