Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Perspective

Calling for an End to Sexual Harassment in Fieldwork

Calling for an End to Sexual Harassment in Fieldwork

At the AAA conference I attended the roundtable discussion "Getting Anthropology Closer to Zero: Collaborating to Reduce Sexual Harassment in Anthropology." Not being an anthropologist myself, I didn't know that many anthropology programs require students to spend time in the field. Depending on...

Johannes Suikkanen / A Profile

Johannes Suikkanen / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series I caught up with Johannes Suikkanen after he returned to Helsinki from EPIC2014 in New York City to discuss his career, ethnographic praxis and the future of the EPIC community. Johannes co-founded Gemic, a human-centric strategy and innovation consultancy, about six years ago...

Elizabeth F. Churchill / A Profile

Elizabeth F. Churchill / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series At 7 am sharp on a Monday morning, Skype broke the silence with an incoming call. On the line was an affable, well-spoken woman with a British accent. It was Elizabeth Churchill, a familiar name in the EPIC community and a founding member of its steering committee. It was a...

Maria Bezaitis / A Profile

Maria Bezaitis / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series A PhD in French Literature and Cultural Studies from Duke University (1988-1994), Maria Bezaitis may appear to have a surprising career as a scientist inside Intel’s Interaction and Experience Lab. But as she says, her vast literary studies exploring modernist literary...

Models of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Models

Models of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Models

This is a piece about certain types of objects. Those objects are models. I want to suggest that models are objects that are central to the various practices in which EPIC People are engaged for three reasons. Firstly, they help manage situations of uncertainty. Second, they are tools for...

Scurvy and the Practice of Insights Research

Scurvy and the Practice of Insights Research

I. Intel recently ran an internal marketing conference, where a research firm shared with us a dozen or so technology trends, each with potential to “disrupt” our business. To narrow down discussion about these trends, we were asked to “vote” on which of these trends we thought were most...

Researchers @ hackathon

Researchers @ hackathon

I spent 44 hours with hackers to learn that everything I thought I knew about hacking was wrong. In the process, I learned that events like hackathons represent a similar social hub to those Jan Chipchase identifies in his book Hidden in Plain Sight. These hubs help researchers find their feet...

Accounting for Value Salon

Accounting for Value Salon

What's our worth? What are the rhetorics of value? This question is never far from the minds of individual practitioners and this diverse community. Value takes many forms and is denominated in many currencies. The worth of these currencies changes in time and space as business environments...