Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Perspective

New Forms of Literacy are Expanding Digital Expression

New Forms of Literacy are Expanding Digital Expression

Some time ago I watched an older Indian woman using Google Assistant to access recipes. She expressed how thrilled she was: her family would be eating new meals and they would appreciate her more. As I looked more closely, it was obvious the cooking instruction video (in Hindi) contained no text....

How to Scale a Culture of Human Understanding

How to Scale a Culture of Human Understanding

IBM is big. We have around 350,000 employees including 20,000 design and user experience professionals, and only a fraction of them are experienced design researchers. Many of you reading this also work in or with large enterprise organizations and, as you know, at that scale it can be easy to get...

Imposter Ethnographer: The Value of Feeling Like an Outsider

Imposter Ethnographer: The Value of Feeling Like an Outsider

At EthnoBorrel, an ethnography meet-up that I co-run in the Netherlands, we talk about the issues ethnographers face in their applied practice. One term in particular keeps cropping up: impostor syndrome. The people who attend our meetups are highly educated, capable practitioners who apply their...

Livable Relations with Metrics

Livable Relations with Metrics

It is easy to become pessimistic, if not dystopic, about tracking technologies. The current digital services landscape promotes scoring, selecting and sorting of people for the purposes of maximizing profit. Machine logics rely on profiling characteristics and predicting actions, and management by...

3 Narratives that Stymie Social Change and What We Can Do About It

3 Narratives that Stymie Social Change and What We Can Do About It

Social change requires culture change and social science can help. “Context matters.” “It’s a systemic issue.” “It’s…complicated.” As ethnographers and researchers these are our mantras—but how can we communicate about social issues in ways that really make a difference? Evidence shows that how we...