Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Perspective

Needed: Anthropologists in Insurance

Needed: Anthropologists in Insurance

I work in life insurance. No, I’m not an actuary or underwriter—I’m an anthropologist, and it’s a great fit. I began my career working with refugees in the public and nonprofit sectors, then spent seven years teaching anthropology courses to undergraduates, and I’ll admit that insurance wasn’t on...

10 Things You Should Know about Moving from Academia to Industry

10 Things You Should Know about Moving from Academia to Industry

In the fall of 2016, I made the jump from academia to UX research. As opportunities for permanent employment in the social sciences are becoming more and more scarce, this move is becoming increasingly common. And yet, I made this transition with few resources or mentorship, feeling unprepared and...

The EPIC Gallery: A Space for Action and Intervention

The EPIC Gallery: A Space for Action and Intervention

“We don’t fail because we are not intelligent or erudite enough; we fail because we don’t present our stakeholders with engaging material that will improve their ideas. We choose the medium which makes us comfortable, not the one our stakeholders would prefer.” — Sam Ladner, Practical Ethnography...

Culture Needs a Fool-Proof Definition

Culture Needs a Fool-Proof Definition

People love the idea of culture. Finding out what makes France French, Spain Spanish or Denmark Danish is why we travel. We see culture as a manifestation of the greatest human achievements – we flock to art galleries and read the latest Booker Prize–winning novel. But if we’re so naturally...

Automation Otherwise: A Review of “Automating Inequality”

Automation Otherwise: A Review of “Automating Inequality”

Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the PoorVirginia Eubanks2018, 272 pp, St. Martin's Press What if we thought differently about how to integrate human and machine agencies?  As I sat down in to write this review of Virginia Eubanks’ latest book, Automating...

How Is Evidence Created, Used & Abused? EPIC2018 Opening Remarks

How Is Evidence Created, Used & Abused? EPIC2018 Opening Remarks

We chose Evidence as the EPIC2018 theme in part to explore this question of why some things constitute evidence and not others. There are lots of factors we could point to, but since I’m standing next to a data scientist the first one I’ll talk about is digitization. Digitization changes how...

Researching Mobility: A Culture of Fieldwork

Researching Mobility: A Culture of Fieldwork

Driver-partners in the queue for ride requests at SeaTac are interviewed by members of Uber’s brand experience and design teams as part of an ethnographic field survey, November 2017. Photo by Adam Williams. Uber is a technology company rooted in the physical and social geographies of mobility...