Advancing the Value of Ethnography

How Tragic Flaws Resonate at Scale: Just Ask Shakespeare


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2020 EPIC Proceedings p 219, ISSN 1559-8918,

PechaKucha Presentation—What do Hamlet, Daenerys Targaryen and Persona development have in common? As an actress I had an in-depth understanding of character development but struggled with creating insights from personas. I embarked on a quest to find out why. I interviewed one of the greatest authority’s on Shakespeare, John Bell, AO, OBE FRSN about The Bard’s greatest gift to storytelling, the invention of personality and characters. I share the realization that came next, how an individual character’s tragic flaw can resonate at scale.

Megan Davis is originally from Michigan and now living and creating in Melbourne, Australia. As the founder and lead storyteller at Spendlove and Lamb, she has been discovering stories since 2012, specializing in narrative based communication strategies, using human centred design practices to create meaningful visions of the future. Each bespoke framework uses stories to strategically move projects, organizations and governments into the new realities they are creating. Megan loves traveling the world physically and virtually to shape narratives for future scenarios, transformation and innovation processes. She has conducted workshops in New York, London, Berlin, and most recently Lisbon at the House of Beautiful Business in 2019 to teach people how to connect with storytelling to transform their worlds. Her latest passion is creating storytelling frameworks for innovation and human-centered design projects to help people connect deeply with their customers. Putting empathy first in business and life, she loves sharing her knowledge by speaking, training, and consulting on projects that are changing the world.
