Advancing the Value of Ethnography

EPIC Library

EPIC publishes leading global expertise about ethnography in business and organizations. Our library includes more than two decades of open access, peer-reviewed articles and video recordings from our annual conference and articles in our blog Perspectives. Search the library below or:

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10 Things You Should Know About Moving from the Private Sector to the Public Sector

Nadine Levin


Orality, Technology, and Memory

Brittany Edwards et al.


Provocations, Parables and Possibilities

Julie Norvaisas


Impact Tracking: Tradition to Innovation

Sam Ladner & Jeanne Bard

Fallen Fruit design Keynote

Fallen Fruit: Keynote Address

David Allen Burns & Austin Young


The City as Supply Chain: Fast Circulation, Slow Violence, and Urban Futures

Charmaine Chua


Key Words & Change

Maria Bezaitis


Designing AI to Think With Us, Not For Us

Stefanie Hutka


AI Mental Models and Trust: Promises and Perils of Interaction Design

Soojin Jeong & Anoop Sinha


Displacing the Mind to the Body: Methodologies to Address Socio-Ecological Crises

Nora Morales & Blanca Miedes


Estimating Return on Ethnographic Investment: Human(e) Ways to Measure Our Impact

Katherine Metzo


Ethnographers as Intermediaries: Plurality as a Double-Edged Sword in Web3

Mrinalini Tankha & Chris Rogers

Case Study

Ethnographic Perspectives on AI Chatbots in Customer Support

David Rheams


Experts in the Loop: Why Humans Will Not Be Displaced by Machines

Tom Hoy & Janneke Van Hofwegen


"I Pick My Poison": Agency and Addiction in the Age of Subscriptions

Iveta Hajdakova & Morgan Williams


Playing Language Games: Conversational AI and Knowledge Sharing

Larry S. McGrath


Cybersafety in Conversation: Unifying People and Policy

Colin MacArthur & Melissa Banyard


Seeing from Other Eyes: First-Person Data in Applied Ethnography

Maria Cury et al.


What’s Going on with Strategic Research In Big Tech?

Morgan Ramsey-Elliot et al.


Why Don't We Post: Multidimensional Context Collapse and the Paradigm of Social Media

Kristin Sarmiento et al.

Case Study

Sensemaking Through Collaborative Generation

Jenny Flinders & Jacqueline Counts

Case Study

Software Documentation and its Cultural Implications for an Agile Startup

Nicole Tietz-Sokolskaya & Suzanne Walsh

Case Study

Mother Tongue: Vernacular Knowledge in Chronic Illness and Healthcare

Juliana Saldarriaga

Case Study

The People Say: A Public Research Platform for Human-Centered Policymaking

Chelsea Mauldin et al.