Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: advocacy & impact

Why the World Needs Anthropologists

Why the World Needs Anthropologists

‘The bad news is that anthropology is never going to solve the global crisis,’ professor Thomas Hylland Eriksen provoked, ‘but the good news is that without us, nobody is going to because our knowledge is a crucial piece of the jigsaw puzzle.’ The EASA Applied Anthropology Network’s symposium ‘Why...

Research to Reality: A Business Perspective

Research to Reality: A Business Perspective

Ricoh Innovations discovers unmet customer needs and designs and deploys hardware, software and service solutions to those needs through an interdisciplinary design process predicated on active customer participation. Some of our findings lead to new value propositions on which Ricoh planners...

Navigating the Challenges of Research Impact Tracking

Navigating the Challenges of Research Impact Tracking

Researchers across all industries have endured periods in which their business value was questioned. In industry terms, research is a cost center, so throughout economic downturns, research has often felt the brunt of company downsizings. This held true for researchers in tech during recent (and...

Keynote Address: Pedestrian Perspectives

Keynote Address: Pedestrian Perspectives

An anthropologist with a long career at the intersection of social research and business and technology, Melissa Cefkin began working on autonomous vehicles in 2015, fulfilling a life-long love of transportation matters. (Her preferred activity in a new place? Public bus rides.) She works at...