Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: agency

If Today’s Problems Are So Urgent, Why Are We So Stuck?

If Today’s Problems Are So Urgent, Why Are We So Stuck? We are surrounded by messages urging us to see the suffering, injustice, and corruption of both the natural and built world. But today, people seem to be gripped by passive despair. Why is that?...

Robots and the Fallacy of Agency

Robots and the Fallacy of Agency

PechaKucha Presentation What if I told you, that humans are not very special? That the very qualities that make us human are not pre-given features but are rather properties generated by our participation in the world at large. In this view, humans are not mere expressions of blueprints. Rather,...

Creating Agency: What Ethnography Can Learn from Storytelling

Creating Agency: What Ethnography Can Learn from Storytelling

PechaKucha Presentation This PK explores the relationship between ethnography and post-modern storytelling techniques that shift the locus of agency towards the audience and away from the protagonist. The presentation builds on insights from a project about the future of storytelling, and explores...