This paper examines the resilience of human expertise in an age of Large Language Models (LLMs) and establishes...

This paper examines the resilience of human expertise in an age of Large Language Models (LLMs) and establishes...
This study on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) presents key...
This paper examines LLM deployment through African lenses that engage the continent’s complex social,...
This paper shares guidance for designing conversational AI based on findings from linguistic and social analysis...
This paper provides a theoretical alternative to the prevailing perception of machine learning as synonymous with...
This study offers practical solutions to ongoing issues of trust and accountability in AI, highlighting how AI...
As generative AI technology begins to touch more aspects of our work and...
This paper proposes a model of researcher-AI interaction and argues that ethnographers can smartly leverage AI in...
We have all heard the drumbeat that “AI” systems like LLMs will have enormous implications for researchers and...
AI product development is overwhelmingly framed as a problem of technical scale and muscle, and researchers are...