Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: anthropology

The Future of Anthropology: EPIC/AAA Partnership

The Future of Anthropology: EPIC/AAA Partnership

“I have just seen the future of anthropology,” I said to anyone and everyone who asked me about the first EPIC (Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference), held in 2005 at Microsoft’s Seattle area campus. I had had a privileged vantage point, having offered to coordinate the production of the...

What Things to Teach Designers in Post-Industrial Times?

What Things to Teach Designers in Post-Industrial Times?

Academics frequently argue for things that people do not yet acknowledge as existing. Compared to most other professions, where arguments are often between two or more things ‘on the table,’ academics profess things that they believe need to be ‘brought to the table.’ We say to students, ‘this...

Donna Flynn / A Profile

Donna Flynn / A Profile

Walking a Different Path The path of American anthropology is becoming ever more diverse. Under the academic umbrella of Anthropology the world has been explored, analyzed, reflected on, and then determined to be wanting of more exploration. The Indiana Jones stereotype of the archaeologist or...

Ethics in Business Anthropology

Ethics in Business Anthropology

Solely protecting research subjects undermines ethical business anthropology practice. In this paper, we argue that a negative definition of ethics, manifest in the primary focus of “doing no harm” to research subjects, undermines a concern for the potential of business anthropology to do good in...

The Future of Anthropology: EPIC/AAA Partnership

Listening with Indifference

In the following, we suggest that the product of ethnographies undertaken for commercial and industrial purposes is under threat of losing its integrity. The sorts of results furnished through ‘applied ethnography’ and those resulting from methods like focus groups, interviews, questionnaires,...