GSuite is changing the nature of Knowledge Work across 5 million businesses through AI-powered assistance. To ensure that this evolution reflects the aspirations and priorities of workers, Google and Stripe Partners conducted a multi-national ethnography of Knowledge Workers covering a range of...
Tag: artificial intelligence
The Stakes of Uncertainty: Developing and Integrating Machine Learning in Clinical Care
The wide-spread deployment of machine learning tools within healthcare is on the horizon. However, the hype around “AI” tends to divert attention toward the spectacular, and away from the more mundane and ground-level aspects of new technologies that shape technological adoption and integration....
AI Tools in Humanistic and Social Research
We have all heard the drumbeat that “AI” systems like LLMs will have enormous implications for researchers and...
A Relational Approach to (genAI) Product Impact
AI product development is overwhelmingly framed as a problem of technical scale and muscle, and researchers are...
Images and Imaginaries: Reflections on a New Paradigm of Ethnographic Images in Business
This presentation delves into the speculated impact of AI-generated images on ethnographic practice. Navigating...
Pulp Friction: Creating Space for Cultural Context, Values, and the Quirkiness of Humanity in AI Engagement
A design executive who has led several multidisciplinary teams and organizations at global companies such as...
Scale, Nuance, and New Expectations in Ethnographic Observation and Sensemaking
Case Study—We consider new expectations for ethnographic observation and sensemaking in the next 20-25 years, as technology industry ethnographers' work unfolds in the increasing presence of the type of analytical capabilities specially trained (and self-training) machines can do ‘better’ and...
Human-Centered Data Science: A New Paradigm for Industrial IoT
Few professions appear more at odds, at least on the surface, than ethnography and data science. The first deals in qualitative “truths,” gleaned by human researchers, based on careful, deep observation of only a small number of human subjects, typically. The latter deals in quantitative “truths,”...
Who and What Drives Algorithm Development: Ethnographic Study of AI Start-up Organizational Formation
The focus of this paper is to investigate deep learning algorithm development in an early stage start-up in which edges of knowledge formation and organizational formation were unsettled and contested. We use a debate by anthropologists Clifford Geertz and Claude Levi-Strauss to examine these...
Foundational AI: Navigating a Shifting Terrain
New deployments of foundational AI models in digital products have expanded public engagement with synthetic...