Advancing the Value of Ethnography


Accounting for Value Salon

Accounting for Value Salon

What's our worth? What are the rhetorics of value? This question is never far from the minds of individual practitioners and this diverse community. Value takes many forms and is denominated in many currencies. The worth of these currencies changes in time and space as business environments...

Maria Bezaitis / A Profile

Maria Bezaitis / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series A PhD in French Literature and Cultural Studies from Duke University (1988-1994), Maria Bezaitis may appear to have a surprising career as a scientist inside Intel’s Interaction and Experience Lab. But as she says, her vast literary studies exploring modernist literary...



ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN ENGLISH: Accelerating User Research: How We Structure Insights for Speed At Spotify 一直以来,由于人们认为用户研究的有效性较低,用户研究所得的洞察都在产品开发中被边缘化。我在职业生涯的第一阶段致力于提倡组织为什么该积极地听取用户的意见和想法,为什么每一个人应该相信定性见解可用于指导他们的决策,以及为什么用户研究是需要专业技能的实践领域。...



ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN ENGLISH: Beyond the Toolbox: What Ethnographic Thinking Can Offer 译者: Yulin Wang and Kaixin Li 写于从西雅图飞往法兰克福的汉莎航空490航班上 飞机上的晚餐时间刚过,每个乘客都开始安顿下来,为长途飞行做各自的准备。笔记本电脑、眼罩、充电线、耳机、耳塞、拖鞋、护手霜……大家都显得很忙。我身边的女乘客服了一粒助眠药,盖好了身上的毯子。我也开始查看机上娱乐频道,排上自己想看的电影。当我翻阅纪录片时,我意外地发现了一个名为“...

Studying In and Studying Out

Studying In and Studying Out

An EPIC 2014 Workshop: Studying In and Studying Out: Linking Organizational and Consumer Ethnography The big idea here is this. Most anthropologists are working either in the organizational space or in the consumer space and no one is looking at the interface between these two cultural domains....

超越用户需求 —以内容理解为导向构建推荐系统

超越用户需求 —以内容理解为导向构建推荐系统

作者:[contrib_author post_id='35640' name='Iveta Hajdakova'], Stripe Partners; [contrib_author post_id='35640' name='Deb McDonald'], Spotify; [contrib_author post_id='35640' name='Sohit Karol'], Spotify Originally published in English: "Beyond User Needs: A Meaning-Oriented Approach to Recommender...