This case study examines the use of iterative prototyping to raise concerns important to adolescents and...

This case study examines the use of iterative prototyping to raise concerns important to adolescents and...
Equality, inclusion, and representation are increasingly acknowledged as core tenets of prosperous countries, cities, and organizations. We know that equality is essential, and we also know equality must be enacted on all fronts. Brands and other social organizations are increasingly recognizing...
This case study offers strategies for navigating internal frictions within research teams faced with sensitive...
This paper addresses a misalignment between market motivations and community needs in Web3, arguing that...
The People Say is a pioneering research repository and a model for making rich qualitative data available for...
Over a century after W.E.B. Du Bois developed the concept of double consciousness, this experience of “twoness”...
This wildcard session was a conference-wide co-creation activity. Together, EPIC attendees reflected on the dynamic relationship between resilience and power. Then, through a facilitated, real-time activity, we collectively generated an actionable power-redistribution framework—a set of strategies...
As part of an internal UX team, researchers at a multinational tech corporation were tasked with improving the...
Corporate leaders issued countless statements decrying racism and investing in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts in 2020. As a result of the pandemic and the ongoing racial reckoning that year, the...
In this session, Laura Forlano and Danya Glabau teach participants how to apply Critical Cyborg Literacy to...