Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: ethics & values

Pathmaking, A Dialogue: Keynote Address

Pathmaking, A Dialogue: Keynote Address

KEYNOTE ADDRESS John F. Sherry, Jr. is Herrick Professor of Marketing at the University of Notre Dame. He has researched, lectured, and consulted around the globe on issues of brand strategy, experiential consumption, and retail atmospherics. He is widely published and a Fellow of the American...

Something More Persuasive than Fear

Something More Persuasive than Fear

What’s the first thing to do if, at the end of your work day, you come home to your apartment and see a river of water flowing out from under the washroom door, threatening to harm your home and your downstairs neighbor’s? Do you start to clean up the mess while the water keeps flowing? No, you...

Why EPIC Needs Ethical Guidelines and Why You Should Care

Why EPIC Needs Ethical Guidelines and Why You Should Care

"The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces." —Phil Zimbardo No one reading this article conducts research with the intent to cause harm to others. It’s hard to imagine that anyone would—research is more regulated...

Calling for an End to Sexual Harassment in Fieldwork

Calling for an End to Sexual Harassment in Fieldwork

At the AAA conference I attended the roundtable discussion "Getting Anthropology Closer to Zero: Collaborating to Reduce Sexual Harassment in Anthropology." Not being an anthropologist myself, I didn't know that many anthropology programs require students to spend time in the field. Depending on...

Ethics in Business Anthropology

Ethics in Business Anthropology

Solely protecting research subjects undermines ethical business anthropology practice. In this paper, we argue that a negative definition of ethics, manifest in the primary focus of “doing no harm” to research subjects, undermines a concern for the potential of business anthropology to do good in...