This paper examines the resilience of human expertise in an age of Large Language Models (LLMs) and establishes...
Tag: expertise
Mother Tongue: The Role of Vernacular Knowledge in Chronic Illness and Healthcare
This work demonstrates how and why the expertise of non-medical actors, such as patients, caregivers, and...
Gaming Evidence: Power, Storytelling and the “Colonial Moment” in a Chicago Systems Change Project
Case Study—In 2016 The Chicago Community Trust (“The Trust”), a local Chicago foundation, partnered with Roller Strategies (“Roller”), an international professional services firm, to deploy an innovative mixed-methods approach to community-driven social change on the South Side of Chicago. This...
Who and What Drives Algorithm Development: Ethnographic Study of AI Start-up Organizational Formation
The focus of this paper is to investigate deep learning algorithm development in an early stage start-up in which edges of knowledge formation and organizational formation were unsettled and contested. We use a debate by anthropologists Clifford Geertz and Claude Levi-Strauss to examine these...
Reconfiguring Work in the Age of AI
What is the nature of expertise and work? How are they redefined, practiced, and personified as waves of...
Democratization and Research: Can Ethnography Save Itself?
With a strategic analysis of the push to “democratize” research—to open the research practice to...
Eye Tracking in Medical Ethnography: Evaluating Evidence for Perception, Action, and Collaboration in Healthcare Professions
Using eye tracking in ethnographic research poses numerous theoretical and practical challenges. How might devices originally intended to record individuals' vision of two-dimensional planes be useful in interpersonal contexts with dynamic visual interfaces? What would the technology reveal about...
Tutorial: Doing Ethnography of Data Science & Algorithmic Systems
Description Approx 1 hr 43 min. This video presents the lecture portion of a half-day tutorial. Case studies and a...
Knowing That and Knowing How: Towards Embodied Strategy
This paper explores two different forms of knowledge. We compare embodied understanding with propositional or abstract knowledge. Ethnographic research, with its commitment to understanding through immersion and engagement in social fields produces dexterous, intuitive and practical cultural...
An Apprenticeship in Attention for a Time between Worlds
Through a story of intergenerational sensemaking and reminiscing, this PechaKucha argues that the guiding...