Overview Strategic planning is becoming less and less viable in a volatile world prone to black swan events. Prediction is a low-percentage approach to an unknowable future. But we still need to navigate change...
Tag: future
Scaling Futures: Foresight that Delivers Meaning and Value
This panel explores the specific reasons organizations generate ideas about the future, the methods they choose, how they act on foresight, and consequences for both business and society. Panelists address the theme of scale in various dimensions, such as how to appropriately scale our imaginings,...
Human and Artificial Intelligence: The Same, Different or Differentiated?
Today I turned left out of London Bridge station. I usually turn right and take the Tube but instead I went in the other direction and took the bus. I can’t explain why I did that. Perhaps I was responding to a barely discernible change in crowd density or the fact that it was a bit warm today and...
Critical Jugaad
PechaKucha—This Inquiry explains how people use ingenious making practices like Jugaad as a tool for existence, subversion and criticality against colonial powers of oppression. Jugaad like practices form cultural binders and empower people to find a collective force to fight oppression while...
Operationalizing Design Fiction with Anticipatory Ethnography
Transmuting the entanglement of situations, contexts, artifacts and people, designers mediate the relationship between ‘what could be’ and ‘what is’. All design, then, has an implicit relationship with the future. Latency will always exist as part of this relationship, between the inception of a...
Anticipatory Ethnography: Design Fiction as an Input to Design Ethnography
Here we consider design ethnography, and design fiction. We cast these two approaches, and the design endeavor itself, as forward-looking processes. Exploring the means by which design ethnography and design fiction derive their value reveals the potential for a mutually beneficial symbiosis. Our...
What’s Next versus What’s Valuable: Perspectives on the Value of Ethnography in a Future-Focused World
Ethnographers operating in the future-focused context of business consultancy face a core challenge. Our approach is holistic and human-centric, “based on the researcher sharing time and space with the people he or she wants to understand, establishing relationships with them and thereby...
The Future Is Yours
EPIC2018 Keynote Address We are at a crossroads of change in the world. With the rapid rise of digitized data, what’s the place for human empathy? As a long-time member of the EPIC community, I want to use my time with you today to reflect on what this all means for us. This is a moment unlike any...
Tutorial: Using Analogs to Research the Unknown
Learn strategies to design research of inaccessible or future environments. Overview Ethnographers seek insights by studying people in their natural environments. What if the thing you are designing will not be...
Ethnographers Don’t Create Futures, People Do: Ethnographic Context and Facilitating Better Futures
The future, of course, is inherently unpredictable. As the EPIC2021 theme Anticipation begins, “There are no future facts. Yet we humans constantly create potential futures.” People create futures when they begin to see alternate possibilities and situations where their decisions—and those of...