Equality, inclusion, and representation are increasingly acknowledged as core tenets of prosperous countries, cities, and organizations. We know that equality is essential, and we also know equality must be enacted on all fronts. Brands and other social organizations are increasingly recognizing...
Tag: inclusion
Researcher Positionality and Identity Validation: A Case Study in Organizational Friction over the Framing of a Demographic Questionnaire
This case study offers strategies for navigating internal frictions within research teams faced with sensitive...
Beyond Representation: Using Infrastructure Studies to Reframe Ethnographic Agendas and Outcomes
The ethos and methods of participatory research have been widely embraced as a powerful approach to address systemic inequity in the design of technology. While there have been many gains and developments that...
Making Tech More Accessible: An Ethnographic Lens on Ability and Disability
EPIC Members Richard Beckwith and Susan Faulkner (Intel) have assembled a panel of luminaries in accessible tech research, design, and engineering for our January 26 event, Seeing Ability: Research and Development for Making Tech More Accessible. In anticipation, we asked them a few questions...
Design & White Supremacy Culture: A Call and Response
Within the growing global discourse around race, whiteness, and racial injustice lies a call to address the ways systemic racism and normalized whiteness continue to shape our work. Many organizations have issued formal statements but struggle to identify and implement meaningful next steps....
Inclusive Research Techniques: Learning with Disabled Users to Create Accessible Designs
User research with disabled participants has many benefits for research, design, and business. In short,...
Conducting Inclusive Research across Language & Culture
https://player.vimeo.com/video/897277586?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479 Language access is critical to inclusive research, products, and organizations. It requires not just translation, but culturally nuanced translation that truly connects to the people we serve. In this...
Tutorial: Research for Accessible and Inclusive Design
Overview Including people with disabilities in user research is fundamentally the right thing to do, because their experiences matter just as much as those of the non-disabled users that are typically...
Equity-Centered Leadership
Equity-Centered Leadership focuses on ensuring that all employees can succeed in a workplace, regardless of their...
Building Target Worlds: Connecting Research, Futures Exploration and Worldbuilding
“The future” cannot be “predicted,” but “preferred futures” can and should be envisioned, invented, implemented, continuously evaluated, revised, and re-envisioned. —Jim Dator, Hawaii, 1995 This paper introduces a framework called Target Worlds, with which I hope to offer an alternative to putting...