Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: inequality

Post-Human Centered

Post-Human Centered

We invented our world at human height, with us in the middle. Much of our work is designed even more narrowly, with a particular kind of human at the middle. What happens when we go beyond the limited “user-centric” or “human-centric” scales? What does it look like, feel like, move like when...

Scaling Dignity: An Antidote to Poverty?

Scaling Dignity: An Antidote to Poverty?

PechaKucha Presentation—A wise woman once shared with me that the opposite of poverty isn't wealth. It's dignity. In a world where scale is about optimising for something bigger, faster, easier, broader and more profitable, we risk decision-making that is at odds with preserving, enabling and...

Protesting for Change, #BLM

Protesting for Change, #BLM

We support the protesters. Black lives matter. Working at my desk in the past few days, a fairly constant thump of helicopters and aggressive wail of sirens has forced me to parse space in new ways. Here, in the US, the rights of protestors to claim space is contested by presidential rhetoric and...

Designing for Dynamics of Agency in NYC Homeless Shelters

Designing for Dynamics of Agency in NYC Homeless Shelters

Public sector innovation (PSI) is an emerging multidisciplinary field that is attracting practitioners from a wide range of sectors and industries, with a correspondingly broad set of skills and experience. PSI aims to significantly improve the services that a government has the responsibility to...