Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: innovation

Creating Business Impact

Creating Business Impact

I recently joined one of our teams in their team room during a visit from a top executive. The room would be recognizable to many readers—walls covered in post-its and flip chart sheets. The executive was immediately skeptical of the post-its. At the end of the session, he didn’t leave the room...

Building an Innovation Strategy from Cultural Insights

Building an Innovation Strategy from Cultural Insights

“Innovate or die"—this dictum is driving companies to build their innovation capacity, and fast. Most are turning to now-familiar practices such as Design Thinking, Lean, or Agile. But as they grow, many organizations find that they don’t see expected increases in innovation after deploying these...

The Not-So-Blind Watchmaker: Evolution by Design in Corporate Culture

The Not-So-Blind Watchmaker: Evolution by Design in Corporate Culture

This paper provides a framework for “evolving” business, organizations and brands based on the mechanisms of evolution commonly discussed within academic anthropology. It begins with an analysis of the differences between the concept of “evolution” as evoked in corporate and academic settings....

Showing the Value of Ethnography in Business

Showing the Value of Ethnography in Business

  This paper explores the value that ethnography brings to business. It uses the idea of examining the impact and value contribution of the ethnographic praxis within the innovation process and corporate culture. To specify the business impact, it highlights a framework for understanding the...