This paper examines LLM deployment through African lenses that engage the continent’s complex social,...
Tag: linguistics
Quit Playing Language Games with My Heart; or, Conversational AI and Knowledge Sharing
This paper shares guidance for designing conversational AI based on findings from linguistic and social analysis...
Why does Nuance Matter when Translating and Transcribing Multilingual Content?
Languages are alive—vibrant and eloquent expressions of who we are. During my doctoral fieldwork I looked at how people used language to enact and express their identity, how connections and community were created through speech and how forms of talk, particular phrases or words, could transport...
When the Insights Matter, Humans Matter
Connecting with other people is at the heart of ethnographic research – understanding their perspectives, preferences, and behaviors helps organizations create and align offerings with consumers. Research relies on clear communication to optimize participant experience and develop meaningful...
Found in Translation: Pro Tips for Translating and Transcribing Multilingual Content
You may recall the old joke: What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual. Two languages? Bilingual. One language? American. The study of world languages among Americans lags far behind that of many other countries, with less than seven percent of American college students...