This paper introduces an theoretical and interpretive tool, the Process of Argumentative Aphasia, for...
Tag: narrative & storytelling
Mosaic Atlas: Mapping Inclusive Arts Hubs
The Mosaic Atlas is the brainchild of Mosaic America, initiated by a group of immigrant women in an organization...
Collaborative Generation: Making Sense of Today’s Stories to Catalyze a Thriving Tomorrow for All
This article shares an innovative, community-centered method for research, sensemaking, and innovation in social...
The Transformative Power of Singular Stories: Making the Case for Qualitative Evidence in Healthcare Contexts in Colombia
Case Study—In this case study we describe how we collaborated with a Colombian healthcare provider company and enabled its decision makers to understand the power of stories and other types of qualitative evidence in healthcare contexts. The stories became a tool for recognizing singularities in a...
Plus Size Fashion: What Happens when Stereotypes, Fueled by Popular Culture, Creep into a Retailer’s Business Decisions?
Case Study—This case demonstrates the power of video as a data collection tool and a storytelling approach to the presentation of research findings. Fresh Produce Clothing specifically selected Bad Babysitter as a consulting partner for their expertise in video-based ethnography and narrative...
We Have Always Dreamed of (Afro)futures: Notes beyond the Dark Fantastic
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas is Associate Professor in Educational Studies at the University of Michigan. She studies how people of color are portrayed, or not portrayed, in children’s and young adult literature, and how those portrayals shape our culture. As children’s and young adult literary empires...
Ethnography, Storytelling, and the Cartography of Knowledge in a Global Organization: How a Minor Change in Research Design Influenced the Way Our Team Sees, and is Seen by Our Organization.
Our team unites qualitative researchers, designers, and prototyping engineers to investigate workplace technologies using a four-step process: ethnography, analysis, intervention, measurement. Projects develop in relation to the needs of internal corporate units identified as project stakeholders....
Anticipating Headwinds: Using “Narrative Tacking” to Build an Inclusive Future
This paper proposes a framework for addressing entrenched resistance to change. It borrows a metaphor from sailing to suggest that the best way through unwanted transformations is by “narrative tacking.” Drawing a parallel to how sailors navigate through headwinds by “tacking,” I argue that...
Anticipating Shared Futures: Emotion, Connection & Relationships
PechaKucha Presentation—Unprecedented. Unprecedented. Unprecedented. How often did we hear that word at the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic? But was it really unprecedented? We’ve been warned for years that a pandemic was imminent. We know the world has been devastated by them in the past. So...
How Tragic Flaws Resonate at Scale: Just Ask Shakespeare
PechaKucha Presentation—What do Hamlet, Daenerys Targaryen and Persona development have in common? As an actress I had an in-depth understanding of character development but struggled with creating insights from personas. I embarked on a quest to find out why. I interviewed one of the greatest...