Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: organizational change

Ten People Thick: Design for Change

Ten People Thick: Design for Change

PechaKucha Presentation—An exploration of scale in the built environment. Looking first at the graphic scale of building documentation – each layer with its own purpose and logic, being absolutely clear to reduce risk. And then considering architecture at human scale – how design thinking becomes...

The Org Chart as Political Map-Making

The Org Chart as Political Map-Making

A senior leadership team gathers in the executive boardroom. The doors are closed; the glass is opaque. Sparkling water is served. Projected on the conference screen is not a financial statement, or an operating report, but instead, an intricate diagram resembling a map or relational lineage. The...

Ethnographic Agency in a Data Driven World

Ethnographic Agency in a Data Driven World

This paper argues that ethnographers can gain increased agency in data-driven corporate environments by increasing their quantitative literacy: their ability to create, understand, and strategically use quantitative data to shape organizations. Drawing on the author's experience conducting...

Ethnographic Tools: From Insight to Intervention

Ethnographic Tools: From Insight to Intervention

As a social researcher rooted in the traditions of participatory innovation, I set out to take a design anthropological approach to study the early unfocused phases of organisational innovation processes, and explore ways of both challenging and supporting these. With an interest in understanding...