Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: organizational development

Software Quality and Its Entanglements in Practice

Software Quality and Its Entanglements in Practice

Effective software quality assurance in large-scale, complex software systems is one of the most vexed issues in software engineering, and, it is becoming ever more challenging. Software quality and its assurance is part of software development practice, a messy, complicated and constantly...

The Org Chart as Political Map-Making

The Org Chart as Political Map-Making

A senior leadership team gathers in the executive boardroom. The doors are closed; the glass is opaque. Sparkling water is served. Projected on the conference screen is not a financial statement, or an operating report, but instead, an intricate diagram resembling a map or relational lineage. The...

Ethnographic Tools: From Insight to Intervention

Ethnographic Tools: From Insight to Intervention

As a social researcher rooted in the traditions of participatory innovation, I set out to take a design anthropological approach to study the early unfocused phases of organisational innovation processes, and explore ways of both challenging and supporting these. With an interest in understanding...