Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: sharing & access

Changing Models of Ownership and Value Exchange

Changing Models of Ownership and Value Exchange

From cars to music, houses to handbags, growing numbers of people no longer aspire to own. Belongings that used to be the standard for measuring personal success, status and security are increasingly being borrowed, traded, or simply left on the shelf. In the last 5 years, we’ve seen massive...

Making Silence Matter: The Place of the Absences in Ethnography

Making Silence Matter: The Place of the Absences in Ethnography

Professional and organizational attention in recent years to what ethnographers can and cannot disclose as part of their research accounts has extended the range and relevance of concerns pertaining to the relation between investigators and those they study. When researchers are working under...

How Consumers Create Value in a Recession Economy

How Consumers Create Value in a Recession Economy

  This essay examines a conscious shift in the cultural flows of consumption practices. It explores the ways consumers are generating and sharing shopping competence as a new form of value. I argue that a shift in consumer consciousness and resulting open social discourse around shopping...

The Corporate Gaze – Transparency and Other Corporate Visions

The Corporate Gaze – Transparency and Other Corporate Visions

 In an expanding global economy, the notion of ‘transparency’ has gained increasing currency as an organizational goal. In a wide variety of situations, increased transparency is held up as a preferred point of direction for organizations, public as well as private. The notion of transparency...