Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: theory/practice

Who We Talk about When We Talk about Users

Who We Talk about When We Talk about Users

I begin with some questions: how have the theories and methods which subtend design research been changed by their migration from academy to industry? How have they adapted to their new commercial culture? What languages and customs have they had to acquire to fit in? To address these questions, I...

Organizational Culture and Change

Organizational Culture and Change

Praxis is the bringing-to-life of a theory or philosophical position. It is the practical application of lessons learned through study and reflection. It is not simply what you do, it’s why you do it. Thus as the organization that specializes in ethnographic praxis in industry, we are the...

Applying Theory to Applied Ethnography

Applying Theory to Applied Ethnography

In applied ethnographic praxis, how should we use theory? Exploring how existing theory from a variety of domains has supported and advanced our work, this paper justifies and demonstrates how theory can be used in an accessible and practical manner when framing research and analyzing experience...