With insights from original, multinational research and analysis of key social science studies, this paper...
Tag: time
Smartphones and the Future of Remembering: Frictions, Problems, and Pathways
This ethnographic case study discusses friction in everyday information-seeking on smartphones and proposes new...
If These Walls Could Talk: The Mental Life of the Built Environment
Renewing Henri Lefebvre’s unfinished and overlooked science of ‘rhythmanalysis,’ I propose physical space becomes meaningful to us to the extent that it provides refuge from the ravages of time—specifically, the intersecting rhythms of everyday life. In other words, we develop affinity with space...
Ethnography, Ethics & Time
Ethnographers are not time travelers, but we may be close. Our frameworks and methodologies develop a nuanced understanding of how relationships, processes, and objects evolve over time. This 'temporal expertise' is key to enacting our ethical responsibility to the past and future, says...