Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: user experience

New Forms of Literacy are Expanding Digital Expression

New Forms of Literacy are Expanding Digital Expression

Some time ago I watched an older Indian woman using Google Assistant to access recipes. She expressed how thrilled she was: her family would be eating new meals and they would appreciate her more. As I looked more closely, it was obvious the cooking instruction video (in Hindi) contained no text....

Breaking It Down: Integrating Agile Methods and Ethnographic Praxis

Breaking It Down: Integrating Agile Methods and Ethnographic Praxis

Critical thinkers that we are, researchers are skeptical of buzzwords, one-size-fits all methodologies, and facile business trends. We scowl as ‘ethnography’ is invoked just because someone actually talked with a customer. We say things like, “If you want to be Agile, try yoga.” Even so, we remain...