EPIC Talks & Seminars
EPIC Members gather periodically throughout the year to learn and explore methods and practices, theory, career development, and current topics affecting our work and organizations. Talks and seminars are held online and free to EPIC Members. Learn about EPIC Membership.
Topics & Proposals
We welcome ideas for topics and speakers from EPIC Members! Please contact talks@epicpeople.org
We also invite EPIC Members to submit proposals to present their own expertise, skills, ideas, and creative new initiatives. In addition to benefiting our community, presenting is an opportunity to get feedback from excellent folks with a range of expertise and develop new connections.
We are open to a broad range of topics and formats that reflect the diversity and creativity of our community. We have just three requirements:
- Talks must be relevant to the EPIC community and consistent with our mission to support the professional development, learning, and leadership of people who practice and promote ethnography.
- Talks must be non-promotional. Training for a proprietary or semi-proprietary process, product, or service may be conducted if: 1. it is directly relevant to ethnographic practice; and 2. The competitive/comparative, theoretical, or historical context is addressed.
- Talks must be proposed or organized by an EPIC member, but we welcome collaboration with guest presenters or panelists who are not members.
Send proposals to talks@epicpeople.org with the following information:
- Session title
- Brief bios of presenters + additional information describing their expertise in proposed area
- Description of format (presentation, panel, debate, discussion, etc)
- Description of content
- Target audience, including level (beginning/advanced) and prior knowledge/experience assumed
- What participants will learn/take away from the session
- Optional: supplemental info (e.g., slides, articles, or talks you’ve given on this topic previously)
Proposals will be evaluated by EPIC in collaboration with experts in our community when appropriate.
Video Recording & Accessibility
We record Talks & Seminars whenever possible and make them available to EPIC Members in our library. Our library also includes Tutorials and video, papers, case studies, keynotes, and more from two decades of our annual conference.
In some cases we cannot record: Sometimes presenters offer proprietary/semi-proprietary or experimental content that they aren’t ready to make more public. Other Talks are designed to evoke candid discussions or explore sensitive topics that require privacy.
Automated closed captioning is available during virtual sessions, video recordings are captioned, and transcripts are also available. We welcome participants’ translators or other associates who facilitate participation, and will do our best to integrate participants’ assistive technologies into the session. Please note:
- If you have questions about accessibility, please contact: accessibility@epicpeople.org.
- We are in the process of captioning older recordings. If you would like us to prioritize a particular video we would be happy to do so. Please contact talks@epicpeople.org.
Featured Talks on Video
To access our library of talks and tutorials (and a lot more!):
Learn about Membership