Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tutorial: Leading with Care—How to Support the Mental Well-being of Your Team


Leaders and managers develop care strategies and plans of action for supporting their teams, their people, and themselves.


This tutorial was conducted at EPIC2021. Exercises and discussions have been omitted to protect the privacy of participants.

Research shows that people who work passionately to drive change, like EPIC members, experience regular cycles of burnout. But two pandemics—COVID itself plus a widespread decline in mental well-being—is causing organizations to rethinking their role in supporting the health of their employees. As leaders and ethnographers, we have an opportunity to create and implement new models of leadership with care.

In this tutorial, Shannon Lucas and Tracey Lovejoy, authors of Move Fast. Break Shit. Burn Out: The Catalysts Guide to Working Well, bring a wealth of research and experience on leadership and well-being to bear on this emergent reality. They will share research about burnout, new data on global mental health, and case studies of how various organizations have worked to support employee well-being. Through exercises and discussions, participants will develop care strategies and plans of action for supporting their own teams, their people, and themselves.

The session is also a unique opportunity for leaders in the EPIC community to learn from each other, extend our ethnographic sensibilities into our work as managers, and develop networks that sustain and rejuvenate us as catalysts. Participants will:

  • Review key data around global well-being
  • Learn from case studies of how various organizations worked to support employees’ well-being
  • Develop your care strategy and plan of action on how to support the mental well-being of you, your people & your team(s)
    Connect and brainstorm with fellow leaders & learn from their experiences
  • Instructors


Shannon Lucas is the co-CEO of Catalyst Constellations and a global thought leader on intrapreneurship and corporate innovation frameworks. She is the former Executive Vice President, Head of Emerging Business at Ericsson. For over twenty years she’s driven innovation into Fortune 500 businesses and cutting-edge startups, launched her own companies, and served on the board of several non-profits. Shannon’s personal mission is to transform corporations into sustainable change engines. Her passion is igniting and supporting change agents (making her the perfect Catalyst Constellations co-founder!).

Tracey Lovejoy is co-CEO at Catalyst Constellations and the co-founder of EPIC. She is known for her optimistic outlook, quick mind, freakish intuition, sassy attitude and drive for results. Tracey is a coach who supports Catalysts and their teams, and is the researcher behind the Catalyst movement. Before she became a Coach, Tracey spent 12 years at Microsoft, where she worked at the intersection of technology, design, and innovation leading teams of change makers. When Tracey isn’t helping individuals and organizations transform, she’s hanging out with her kids, cleaning up after pets, or stealing moments to feed her reading addiction.


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